Brazil Green Coffee

Notice: due to ongoing supply chain issues in the green coffee market, there is a limit of 5 pounds per coffee.

Brazil Green Coffee
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10OFF110 = $15.93
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20OFF200 = $14.16
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Brazilian Green Coffee Beans.

While these Brazilian beans are grown at a much lower altitude than some of the other high-grown coffees from South America it also means that it has a much lighter acidity and goes down smoother.

The port of Santos is where these beans are purchased from and it sourced from various locations throughout the country.

  • Altitude: 900 - 1250 meters above sea level
  • Harvest: May - October
  • Processing: Dry processed Sun Dried
  • Aroma: Slightly Sweet Neutral
  • Flavour: Soft Cup Clean Round Slightly Fruity Aftertaste
  • Body: Full
  • Acidity: Light

This coffee makes a great espresso with lots of crema.

Brazil's coffees come primarily from small family-run farms but due to it's long and rich heritage the processing portion of the coffee growing in Brazil is world-class.

These beans are dry-processed inside the cherry to impart some of that natural fruit flavour onto the bean.