Buy Monin Organic from Canada
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Monin Organic Syrups are made from organic evaporated cane juice and the finest natural/organic flavors. MONIN Organic Syrups are certified organic by Quality Assurance International, certified Kosher and Halal, Vegan, Gluten and GMO free. Flash-pasteurized with no additives or preservatives, Organic Syrups are the natural way to flavor your organic beverages.
We also carry over 70 regular Monin Syrups.
Monin's Syrups tend to be on the more naturally flavoured side - the orgnaics are no exception. The absence of highly-sweetened high-fructose-corn-syrup is good for the body, but can fall short of the expectations some people have of the syrups. It's not a bad thing - the syrups are flavourful without being too sweet - but it does take some adjusting.
Monin Expiry
The shelf life of syrups is affected by temperature (sunlight, ovens, stoves, dish washer), moisture (stove tops, kettles, dish washers, ambient humidity), air quality (dust, cleanliness, outdoor air quality, other spoiled foods) - all of which are found in abundance in kitchens, where syrups are typically stored. Due to storage conditions being outside of our control once delivered, we consider the limit on claims to be 60 days from date of delivery to the address you provide, regardless of the date on the bottle.