Yemen Green Coffee
Notice: due to ongoing supply chain issues in the green coffee market, there is a limit of 5 pounds per coffee.

10OFF110 = $36.17
(10% off over $110)
20OFF200 = $32.15
(20% off over $200)
You may mix and match any coffee for the coupon
Yemen Coffee Beans have long been on our wish-list of coffees but availability has been non-existent due to war and transportation limitations within the country.
Further compounding the problem is Yemen's current climate - dry with minimal rain - which means that only select mountainous regions can grow this coffee.
This results in a fairly high priced coffee that is nevertheless worth trying once.
These coffees have a subtle wheat-bread flavor with dark chocolate and a florally-tabacco notes.
The fabled port of Mocha (1/2 of the origination of 'Mocha Java') is in Yemen and was long considered one of the trading capitals of the world.