Buy Torani Syrups from Canada
(additional shipping options at checkout)

TORANI1050 = $11.41/bottle
( 12+ bottles, Ontario Only)
TORANI11P = $12.93/bottle
( 10+ bottles, Canada)
One coupon per order. Shipping exceptions may apply.
- Flavour Your Lattes, Cocktails and Italian Sodas
- Free Shipping Over $59!
- 80+ Delicious Flavours In Stock!
The largest selection in Canada!- 30+ Sugar Free Syrups also available
- Torani Puremade syrups are now available!
- Add a Torani Syrup Pump
If you're wondering where to buy Torani syrup, you've come to the right place. We purchase and stock thousands of bottles yearly direct from Torani, and are the closest thing that Canadians in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, Edmonton and elsewhere have to buying direct from Torani. Check out one of the largest selections of Torani syrups in Canada.
Torani is THE brand that Second Cup uses to create professional quality flavoured drinks and espresso-based lattes. While they don't normally have the full range of syrups in stock, we do stock the majority of the flavours. You can make the exact same Italian Sodas you would pay $4.00 for at a coffee shop, right in your own home for much less.
Want some ideas for Torani syrups? Torani syrups aren't just for Lattes and coffees, they're great in Italian Sodas, Protein Shakes, Smoothies.
Coffee flavoured syrups are available for making coffee-flavoured drinks without having to prepare cold brewed or iced coffee in advance. Simply add 1-2 ounces of coffee flavouring to the drink and enjoy!
Even better, combine it with some oat milk for a dairy-free drink!
You can also buy pre-made cold brew coffee that can be mixed with the flavoured syrups. Need a more relaxing drink? Flavoured syrups by Torani make a great flavoured Martini or cocktail. Finally, make sure to check out the Torani Sauces for thicker sauces that can be used as toppings.
How much syrup do I use?
Just an ounce of syrup is required to flavour most drinks. With around 20g of sugar per serving, just one or two per day won't ruin any diets. If you are concerned about the carbs however, check out the Sugar Free Torani.
Torani syrups can liven up your daily coffee with fresh new flavours! The popularity of specialty beverages and the support of cafes, restaurants and retailers have helped grow the Torani brand for the last 80 years.
Flavour seekers around the globe enjoy Torani in their favourite beverages everyday. And Torani continues to stay on the creative edge with new product lines and ideas. After all, you never know where the next revolutionary flavour innovation will appear, but you can be sure Torani will be there.
We ship to: Newfoundland, PEI, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Ablerta, British Columbia. We're based out of Ontario, which means shipping rates are great for those in Toronto, Richmond Hill, Markham, Mississauga, Oakville, Etobicoke and Vaughan.
Torani is commonly mis-spelled "Torino". There is no brand of syrups known as "Torino Syrups", this is most often caused by mispronunciation or just hearing the brand name incorrectly. Unfortunately we have discontinued the Torani Signature line.
Flavored syrups
Torani has dozens of different flavors that can be used in custom drinks, as well as baking. Flavored syrups vary in their strength from one to another, but generally 1 ounce of flavoring is enough for an 8 ounce to 12 ounce drink.
Some of the sugar-free flavored syrups might begin tasting artificial (the "splenda" taste) if too much of the syrup is used - simply reduce the amount of syrup used to correct this problem. Please note that some milder flavors like the Peanut Butter Syrup may need to be enhanced with dairy for the taste to truly shine.
The nutty and sweet flavours (Almond, Butterscotch, Hazelnut, Caramel) tend to work best in coffees or lattes. Fruity flavours (Raspberry, Lime, Pineapple, Grapefruit) go great in sparkling water to make an italian soda, or in a cocktail to add some easy flavourful twists.
While mixing a single flavour directly into a drink is one option, we've found that mixing multiple flavours yields some really unique and special drinks. Creamy flavours like Vanilla or Coconut add a nice touch to almost any flavour - nutty, sweet or fruity.
Torani coupons
We have the lowest price on Torani syrups (with a comparable shipping offer) online, with a year-round 20% discount on bottles (MSRP $14.95) plus additional discounts for volumes at $11.22 Ontario. If you're a business or are looking to purchase over a dozen bottles in Ontario or Quebec, contact us directly for a coupon for bottles at $11.22/ea.
Torani allergens
Torani syrups sometimes contain allergens because they're flavoured with both natural and artificial flavouring. While most are free from any allergens like Gluten and Wheat, you should check on specific flavours if you're sensitive to anything.
The most common ones people check for are: Peanuts, Tree Nuts, Dairy, Eggs, Fish, Shellfish, Soy and Wheat. The only syrups that we are aware of that contain Gluten (as of 2013/02/04) are the Bacon, Classic Caramel, Sugar Free Classic Caramel, Toasted Marshmallow and Sugar Free French Vanilla. We do not carry the Classic Caramel syrups.
You can view the full list of Torani Allergens here. For a more accurate up to date list, see the official Torani allergens chart.