Bodum Kenya French Press 8 Cup

Order the 8 Cup Kenya French Press and get 6 oz. of coffee (enough for 2 full brews) FREE! Choose from our coffee beans and include the bean roast you would like in the 'comments' section during checkout. Coffee will be ground to french-press grind.
Bodum's Kenya French Press (8 cup / 34 oz / 1 Liter) offers you a traditional french press brew with all the luxuries of modern materials. The simple, elegant design makes it easy to use and quick. With a polypropylene plastic base, handle and frame - your french press will last years.
French presses offer a superior cup of coffee because of how the water is filtered. In traditional coffee makers (and single serve coffee makers), the oils present in the coffee are stuck in the paper filter. With a french press, the oils are easily able to pass through the stainless steel mesh to preserve the full flavour of the coffee. This leaves you with the full range of taste to enjoy.
Makes 8 cups of 'after dinner' coffee - 4 ounces each. Coffee mugs are typically 8 ounces, which would give you 4 mugs. Don't feel like making 4 full mugs? Cut the quantities in half, and the french press works just as well - making this a versatile coffee maker.
The 8 cup is less expensive than the 6 cup because of discounts we received when we purchased the 8 cup.
DirectionsAdd (coarse) ground coffee, pour well temperated water (not quite boiling), stir, wait 3-4 minutes depending on your taste and finally depress the plunger (slowly) to compress the coffee grounds and it stops brewing!
Dimensions: 4 1/4 inch depth x 6 3/8 inch width x 7 1/2 inch height
Weight: 635g (1.4 lb)
Can be washed by hand or in the dishwasher.